One of the best articulated arguments against using Tailwind and other CSS-avoidances (for using CSS?).
Bemoaning "fixes" by programmers who refuse to take the time to learn CSS and instead, Elaina writes:
Those “fixes” manifested as CSS-in-JS, Material, Bootstrap, and Tailwind, to name a few. If you peruse web dev Twitter for any length of time, you’ll find the communities that evangelize these frameworks are mainly self-described programmers or developers. Oftentimes, they are used as a panacea to all their CSS woes; simply bolting it onto a project is their one-way ticket to not having to see CSS, let alone writing it.
Elaina has the intriguing take that this is partially caused by the male-dominated community of developers considering CSS to be feminine and thereby devaluing it as a tool and proficiency with it as secondary.