Apps I Use in 2023

Inspired by Matt Birchler’s “My default apps at the end of 2023” via Adam Fortuna’s “What Apps I Use In 2023” and because I did a good job writing 6 consecutive more or less “real” posts, here are my apps used in 2023. You may consider each of these recommendations.

  • Mail service: Fastmail (referral link)
  • Mail client: Apple Mail (iOS/macOS)
  • Tasks:, Streaks
  • RSS service: Feedbin
  • RSS client: Reeder
  • Launcher: Spotlight
  • Cloud storage: iCloud, Backblaze
  • Photo library: Apple Photos
  • Photo editing: Apple Photos, but I’m in the market
  • Web browser: Safari (iOS, macOS), Firefox (macOS) for GSuite stuff that doesn’t support all browsers
  • Calendar service: Fastmail (referral link)
  • Calendar app: Fantastical (iOS/macOS)
  • Calendar syncing: Calm Calendar
  • Reading: Overcast for audiobooks, physical books, and iBooks for eBooks (in that order)
  • Weather: Carrot Weather
  • Podcasts: Overcast
  • Music: Apple Music
  • Clipboard manager: None
  • Passwords: iCloud Keychain
  • Budgeting: hmm…
  • ...

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Caleb Hearth @calebhearth