: Café Mezcal The Café Mezcal is a twist of the classic espresso martini that leans into the delightful way that …

: 100 Consecutive Days of Reading I’ve been using Streaks to track my goal of reading each day since late April of this year. I don’t …

: How to Stash Everything git commit Wouldn't Commit If you enjoy this article on Git, also check these other Git tips: Ignore refactoring commits in git …

: NaBloPoMo While I wrote and tried to publish this post on November 9th, an unrelated change I'd made caused it …

: Collecting Records to Avoid Buying a Record Player If you don’t know me well, it may not be obvious that collecting records is the perfect hobby for …

: Apps I Use in 2023 Inspired by Matt Birchler’s “My default apps at the end of 2023” via Adam Fortuna’s “What Apps I Use …

: Blogging with Notion Notion has been helpful to me in organizing and offloading my thoughts on what articles I’d like to …

: I wish there were a better story around replying to blogs Unlike social media microblogging, there’s not a great story for continuing the conversation of a …

: Annotating TTRPG Modules I want to share an approach to highlighting and tabbing an adventure that I’ve used recently to prep …

: See the History of a Method with git log -L If you enjoy this article on Git, also check these other Git tips: Stash only what git commit …

: Undo in assets:clobber What You Do in assets:precompile As a best practice, when you enhance your Rails app’s assets:precompile task to build static assets …

: "Jewish-ish" Brisket Recipe There’s no better way to prepare a brisket than to smoke it low and slow, like they do in the South. …

: Linked: Bartenders Are Rethinking Cocktail Garnishes and Helping Fight Food Waste While I understand the visual appeal of a cocktail garnish, from a simple slice of citrus to a more …

: Linked: Block the Bots that Feed “AI” Models by Scraping Your Website An excellent overview of steps we can take to prevent scraping of content by unscrupulous bots, …

: Linked: Tailwind and the Femininity of CSS One of the best articulated arguments against using Tailwind and other CSS-avoidances (for using …

: Linked: Pregnancy Apps Can Do Better for Parents After Loss Hannah argues that pregancy apps can better support several categories of user: People who have …

: It’d be really neat if someone made “smart” AAs/AAAs that could be used for …

: 📝 Why is Spam on Mastodon Such a Heated Topic? in which I write about why mastodon.social’s …